Tips From a Children’s Dentist To Maintain Oral Health

Kid Friendly Dentist Suffolk , VA

Trying to teach your kids about oral hygiene can be tricky, but with a little help from your local children's dentist, you can make the process much easier and have them wanting to keep their teeth healthy on their own. It all starts with knowing how to teach them about oral hygiene and how to get them interested in protecting their teeth and gums. 

To help, we have put together these tips from an actual kids' dentist so that you can start as early as possible developing healthy habits that will stay with them for a lifetime. 

Build a relationship with your dentist early 

For most kids, going to the dentist is either scary or annoying. This is easy to understand but bad for developing good oral hygiene habits. Instead of making going to the dentist seem like a chore or something that will hurt them, it is important to impress upon your kids as early as possible that going to the dentist is good for them and that not having cavities and other issues is something to be proud of. 

A good children's dentist will go out of their way to make visiting their clinic fun and safe for kids, which makes it easier for you to show your kids that going to the dentist is not a bad thing. 

Make learning about oral hygiene fun 

Kids are more receptive to things that hold their attention and are fun. So if you are trying to teach them something that is beneficial to them, it helps to make it interesting. Use fun colors and characters they recognize, and create activities that explain why brushing and flossing are so important. You can even make a game out of brushing and flossing every day. 

If you need help, your dentist is likely to be more than willing to help with educational materials for your kids to teach them about oral health and why clean teeth are happy teeth, so do not be afraid to ask about ways to teach your kids about oral hygiene. 

Develop a routine 

Children, just like adults, are much more likely to continue doing any activity on a regular basis once it becomes part of a routine. If you develop a daily routine and can manage to get your kids to enjoy it, pretty soon, they will be on autopilot when it comes to brushing, flossing, and rinsing. This way, you will not have to worry about making sure they brush before bed or that they floss after eating because they will become used to doing it themselves. 

As always, if you expect your kids to do something, especially something good for them, you should also lead by example. When they see you brushing and flossing, the kids are more likely to follow along, especially at a young age. 


These tips are sure to help your kids develop good oral health habits, but if you want more ideas about how to teach your kids to take care of their mouths, be sure to talk with your children's dentist.

Request an appointment here: or call Fun Park Pediatric Dentistry at (757) 767-2767 for an appointment in our Suffolk office.

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