Kids Special Needs Dentist: Five Questions Parents Should Ask

Kids Special Needs Dentist Suffolk , VA

A kids special needs dentist is a dental professional that focuses their efforts on providing dental care to children who have special needs. Generally speaking, their goal is the same as any other dentist, which is to help individuals maintain healthy teeth and gums. However, in the case of special needs children, there is a bit more involved in the care provided. 

Questions for a kids special needs dentist

Outlined below are five questions that parents should consider asking a kids special needs dentist. These questions and answers may prove to be quite helpful when navigating through taking a child with special needs to the dental office.

1. Does a kids special needs dentist have unique training?

A kids special needs dentist does undergo additional training that helps them learn how to appropriately care for patients with special needs. This may include interactive training, which helps give the dentist a good idea of what to expect and how to handle dental care.  

2. What does a kids special needs dentist do to ensure a smooth appointment?

A kids special needs dentist will do a few things to ensure that the appointment goes smoothly. To start, a thorough explanation will be provided to the child and the parent. This may be done as each step is performed or at the beginning, depending on the child's needs. Another thing that will be done is constant check-ups or breaks. The dentist will pause every few minutes to make sure that the child is comfortable. 

3. What techniques does a kids special needs dentist use?

Pediatric dentists are trained to use positive reinforcement, distraction techniques and advanced behavioral guidance using nitrous oxide,and  general anesthesia when appropriate to ensure safe delivery of care to children with special needs.   

4. What will an appointment look like?

When visiting a kids special needs dentist, the appointment will be pretty straightforward; however, it may take longer than the average visit. Additionally, the dentist may have to do a lot of explaining and comforting to ensure that the teeth and gums can be thoroughly checked.

5. Are there any tips for parents?

Parents of special needs children should consult with the dentist on a regular basis to ensure that appointments go smoothly as the child grows older and develops. It is important for the dentist to be in the loop about any changes that have been made through development. 

Additionally, parents are encouraged to be patient with their special needs child during the appointment. Providing comfort and support in any way possible will help ensure a smooth process. 

Find out more

Taking a child with special needs to the dentist does not have to be difficult. With the help of an experienced dentist, the entire experience can go smoothly and successfully. To find out more about a kids special needs dentist and what they have to offer, reach out today. Any questions or concerns can be appropriately addressed. 

Request an appointment here: or call Fun Park Pediatric Dentistry at (757) 767-2767 for an appointment in our Suffolk office.

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