When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary

When Is a Tooth Extraction NecessarySuffolk, VA

As a pediatric dentist in Suffolk, VA, we are regularly asked, "When is a tooth extraction necessary?" This is an understandable question because no one wants to have a tooth pulled unless it is absolutely beneficial. As a pediatric dentist, we are not interested in extracting teeth unnecessarily, either. In fact, if your child damages a tooth, our preferred method of treatment would be to restore it with a composite filling or dental crown. There are times, however, where we do recommend visiting our dental office located at 1009 Centerbrooke Ln Suite 210 Suffolk, VA 23434 for an extraction.

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Your child was in an accident.

As an emergency dentist, we treat many patients who have gotten into an accident and need to have immediate dental work completed. In some cases, dental damage is only part of the problem and immediate solutions are necessary. If possible, we will restore the tooth using composite or dental crown. If the problem is urgent, a tooth extraction may be necessary. If your child does need an emergency dentist, call 757-767-2767 to schedule an appointment.

An infection has spread.

If your child has a bad dental infection, you need to visit our dental office right way. Your child will be able to tell if there is a bad infection, because he or she will experience intense discomfort that will make it difficult to bite down, chew, or even carry on with daily activities. We recommend coming in at the first sign of a toothache so that we can treat the infection before it reaches the point of being severe. However, if you have delayed and are now at the point of no return, your child may need a tooth extraction to get rid of the infection quickly.

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The Extraction Process

The first question we hear from patients is, "When is a tooth extraction necessary?" The second question is always about the process. At Fun Park Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that our patients are often intimidated by the prospect of needing to have a tooth extracted. This is a process that most people grow up fearing, in part, because of popular movies and television conveying an extraction as something truly horrible. The good news is that we can complete the extraction gently, quickly and while keeping your child comfortable.

The Recovery Process After a Tooth Extraction

At Fun Park Pediatric Dentistry, we warn patients that they will be sore for several days and that they will experience some swelling following the procedure. This is perfectly natural. The swelling can be controlled by taking ibuprofen and placing a cold compress or icepack on your child's face in the area where the tooth was extracted. We encourage our patients to do so for 15 minutes at a time. In preparation for your child's tooth extraction, you should buy plenty of JELL-O, yogurt, applesauce and anything else your child can eat without actually needing to chew. Within a couple of days, your child should be able to add solids back into his or her diet, but will need to be cautious until the area has healed completely.

Schedule an Appointment

To find out if your child needs a tooth extraction, call (757) 767-2767 and schedule an appointment with Fun Park Pediatric Dentistry. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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